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Having your windows washed regularly removes dirt and grime that if left uncleaned can cause permanent damage to your glass. Cleaning your windows regularly can improve the lifespan of your glass while restoring maximum visibility and maintaining curb appeal to your home.

With the use of our washers and squeegees, we will leave your windows streak free and spotless without leaving unwanted water spots (hard water spot removal should be booked separately). We also wipe off the sills to give your windows a complete and thorough cleaning. For anything over one storey tall,  we use purified water from a water-fed pole system. This method leaves a streak free finish and allows us to reach every window safely from the ground.

We recommend getting your windows cleaned roughly two times per year (spring/fall). Depending on the area surrounding your windows, you may need more regular washing to maintain the best overall appearance and clarity for your windows. For commercial properties on ground floors, we typically recommend monthly.

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We offer a variety of 'add on' services when booking a window cleaning, such as:

- hard water stain removal

- sticky substance removal (sap, caulking, dust, etc.)

- screen cleaning

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